A Wife’s Prayer

Heavenly Father, I pray today that you would help me to be a better wife to my husband. Teach me your ways oh Lord so that I may know them, and so that you would be pleased with me.

Help me to show my husband honor as unto you Lord, and encourage him in all that he does. Help me to submit to his authority and not rebel.

For to rebel against him, is to rebel against you. Give me discernment Lord to know what to say, how to say it, and when not to say anything at all. Fill my mouth with good things so that I can build him up with my words . . .

Let me be that safe, soft place that he can rest on when the world has beaten him down. Let me be the lifter of his head.

I thank you for making me a suitable help mate for him. Thank you for making me a Godly wife, so that you may be glorified.

In Jesus’ name, Amen

Characteristics of a Successful Marriage

  • Christ-Likeness

  • Trust

  • Love & Compassion

  • Respect

  • Safety & Security

  • Faithfulness

  • Compromise & Flexibility

  • Good Communication

  • Open-Mindedness

  • Commitment

  • Courage to Forgive

  • Honesty

  • Freedom

  • Sensitivity to Spouse’s Needs

  • Putting Each Other’s Needs Before Your Own

  • Sincere Caring

  • Valuing/Honoring Each Other

  • Praying For & With Each Other

  • Playing & Laughing Together

  • Socializing With Others

  • Going Out On Dates/Keeping the Spark Going

Definition of a Christian Marriage

Marriage does not demand perfection. But it must be given priority. It is an institution for sinners. No one else need apply. But it finds its finest glory when sinners see it as God's way of leading us through His ultimate curriculum of love and righteousness.

A Christian marriage is a total commitment of two people to the person of Jesus Christ and to one another. It is a commitment in which there is no holding back of anything. Marriage is a pledge of mutual fidelity; it is a partnership of mutual subordination.

A Christian marriage is similar to a solvent, a freeing up of the man and woman to be themselves, and to become all that God intends for them to become. Marriage is a refining process that God will use to have us develop into the man or woman He wants us to be.

A happy couple laughing together at sunset.


Forgiveness is a gift we give ourselves. It implies that we admit that we do not know the complete circumstances of the people who have had an impact on our lives. We do not possess the omniscience to be able to say "Dad should have been able to pay more attention to us kids" or "Mom shouldn't have been so uptight all the time."

Forgiveness acknowledges that we do not have the knowledge or the wisdom to sit as judge, jury and executioner over people who may have hurt us in the past.

Forgiveness is a choice. We choose life for ourselves and others when we forgive.

  1. We relieve ourselves of the burden of carrying around hurt, anger, pain and loneliness. Healing happens for us.

  2. We give someone else the freedom to live their life (or sometimes rest in peace) and work out all their own behaviors, feelings and consequences.

Forgiveness is the healing gift we give ourselves.